Crickets in Uganda

Crickets in Uganda

From 17 -22 January Mathilde Miedema from TNO and Marian Peters from NGN visited Uganda to facilitate the cricket value chain.

76% farmers are still rearing crickets in Uganda after starting up in 2016-2018. They are trained during the Flying Food project by TNO, Kreca, NGN and our local trainer Esther Amoding and coordinated by microfinance organisation Mamidecot. They are selling all crickets to food processors. They dry and grind the crickets into flour, instant porridge and cookies. The protein-rich products are in favour at end consumers. Currently market demand for crickets outpaces supply.

Flying Food aims to facilitate the scale up of the cricket business and we developed a model for a medium scale farm surrounded by 100 small outgrowers. This will result in 24 tonnes of crickets annually and 63 million eggs.

philip odii of Teso Farmers is almost ready to start a medium farm, and an investor is interested to support him. Philip has the building available and this week Esther trained his staff.

We are so delighted that this innovative value chain is growing and that local people can benefit from this affordable, nutritious, climate smart and delicious food!
